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Camp Red Arrow
a ministry of
CBM of Virginia

Children’s Bible Ministries of Virginia is a nonโ€‘denominational, nonโ€‘profit, 501C3 Christian Ministry, founded in 1937. After 74 years of renting camp facilities, our own Camp Red Arrow opened in 2012 for CBM's 75th year of summer camp, and Camp Red Arrow's 1st.


Win a child, Win a life

We believe it is better to mold boys and girls then mend men and women.  We seek to introduce children and youth to Jesus Christ and Christian values through quality Bible teaching and discipleship.  We are missionaries to the Public School children in the area through our Bible programs in the schools and at Camp Red Arrow.  The majority of our Released Time Bible students and 1/3 of our campers come from families that do not attend church.



A Ministry of Three C's

CLASSES: We teach Released Time Bible Classes to 3000 students in public schools

CORRESPONDENCE:  Children may join The Mailbox Club to learn more about God and earn discounts to summer camp.

CAMP: We offer year round outreach discipleship opportunities at Camp, including 8 weeks of both day and overnight camp for children of all ages.

The Lord used CBM to bring this childโ€™s heart to Him.  How I enjoyed the Bible teaching of Mrs. Gale!  I was highly motivated to memorize my verse and participate in the correspondence course.  Then in 1971 at CBM camp, I made my profession of faith in Christ. 

M. Tolsen

When I was in the 4th grade my family moved from South Carolina to Virginia.  I am eternally thankful to the Lord for this because it was in Virginia that the Bible Teachers from Childrenโ€™s Bible Mission came to our school.  Not only were they excellent teachers, but they encouraged us to memorize scripture  so we could  go to camp FOR FREE.   
With the help of my mother I learned 300 verses that year and earned my week of camp at Powellโ€™s Fort, near Woodstock, VA. I think that might have been the best week of my life up until that time.  It was the first time I had met a real life missionary.  Camp was so good that I returned every year for all my grade school, then high school where I was a Jr. counselor and then when in college as a counselor.  It was there that I met  Janet, my wife, it was there that I felt the call to go to Bible College and where I heard the call to the mission field. 

J. Cullen Rast


(540) 399-1022

22338 Arrowhead Trail

Stevensburg, VA 22741

©2019 by Children's Bible Ministries of Virginia.

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