What to Bring
Dress Code: Campers should wear loose fitting clothing that covers shoulders to near top of knees. NO bare midriffs, including female swimwear. NO spaghetti string tops or undergarments showing at any time (boys and girls). NO V-Neck T-Shirts. NO clothing with advertisement or encouragement of drugs, alcohol, evil, or anything contrary to Biblical teaching and Christian values.
Campers must wear footwear at camp. Close toed shoes required for Horsemanship and some games. Flip flops are allowed, but often break or cause blisters and should not be your child's primary footwear.
Labeling clothing and belongings, including toiletries, with camper name is recommended and appreciated. "Lost" items are held for 2 weeks after camp and then donated.
What Not To Bring
• Cell Phones or Electronic Devices*
• Food: Snacks/Drinks*
• Clothing with worldly advertisements, vulgar or graphic expressions*
• Fireworks*
• Weapons*
• Knives*
• Illegal Drugs*
• Tobacco Products*
• Vape Items*
• Alcoholic Drinks*
*For the safety of all the campers.