While Children’s Bible Ministries, Inc. serves along nondenominational lines, there are certain essential truths which we believe.
A. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be verbally inspired and inerrant in their original writings.
B. In the deity of Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man.
C. In man’s fallen sinful condition.
D. Jesus Christ offered on our behalf the only acceptable sacrifice for sin and was raised in the same body from the dead.
E. That repentance, forgiveness, and becoming a new creation are several of the many experiences of the Christian who is kept by God’s power and is secure in Christ forever.
F. That God, The Holy Spirit, is a person who convicts sinners, and who regenerates and baptizes them at the moment of their salvation into the Body of Christ.
G. In the personal return of Jesus Christ for His Church.
H. In the bodily resurrection of the saved and the lost.
I. That Christ made provision for all the effects of sin in the atonement and that God heals according to His sovereign discretion.
J. That the purpose of spiritual gifts is for the edifying of the Church and the propagation of the Gospel. We believe that speaking in tongues, miracles, and the raising of the dead were to authenticate new revelation.
K. God sovereignly and immutably creates each person as a male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God and His plan for man and woman.
L. In the Biblical view of marriage as sanctioned and defined by God in His Word, which is the exclusive, covenantal union between one man (born biologically man) and one woman (born biologically woman).